Types of Personal Injury Damages you Can Claim

There are several types of damages one can seek compensation for in a personal injury lawsuit. Because personal injury laws vary from state to state, what you can or cannot claim as damages may differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

A good personal injury lawyer can provide you with effective legal representation, and make sure you are well aware of any and all damages you can seek compensation for.

General and Special Damages in Personal Injury Cases

  • Payment of hospital bills
  • Out-of-pocket prescription costs
  • Future and past medical expenses
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Future pain and suffering
  • Permanent Scars / Disfigurement
  • Disfigurement
  • Lost wages

Loss of Consortium Damages

If one’s personal injuries affect their relationship with their spouse or significant other, in some instances, the spouse or significant other may also be entitled to compensation for loss of consortium damages to recover for loss of companionship and services.

Punitive Damages in Personal Injury Cases

Punitive damages are unique in that the purpose is not to compensate an injured person for the actual damages incurred, but to deter or reform the defendant or similar persons from engaging in actions that could result in injuries to another.

Punitive damages are often awarded in cases where the jury determines that the defendant should be penalized, and required to pay an amount in excess of the plaintiff’s actual damages.

If you or someone you know has suffered injuries due to the negligent actions of another person or entity, contact Real World Law today to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney.

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